

TFB Hospitality provides restaurant management & food/beverage solutions for a la carte, banquet, & catering facilities, including:

The company is owned & operated by Joshua Funk, with corporate headquarters located in Downtown Lancaster, PA.



Joshua Funk

is President/CEO of TFB Hospitality. He is a graduate of Pennsylvania State University’s Hotel, Restaurant, & Institutional Management program. Joshua brings experience, vision, & cutting-edge strategy to TFB Hospitality’s growing portfolio of properties. Previously, he spent nine years at the prestigious National Press Club in Washington, D.C., overseeing operations with total revenues of $10 million in food, beverage, audio/visual, & broadcast, along with a staff of 10 managers & more than 40 full- and part-time union staff. This experience has helped Joshua to foster a forward-thinking hospitality company that can thrive in location & concept.